
Our Mission

Providing treatment with integrity, compassion, and respect.


Sexual Addiction
Sexual addiction is a pathological relationship with a mood altering experience. It is behavior that continues despite adverse consequences. This can manifest in....
Betrayed Partners
There is absolutely nothing like discovering that a persons spouse or partner has been living a double life. When a person learns of the sexual acting out that has occurred....
Restoring Intimacy
The path to repair within the coupleship is possible. We find that many couples whom engage in the recovery process experience a greater....
Billing and Payment
Our clinicians are in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO. If you have insurance with a different insurance company, please look into your out of network benefits....
Other Internet Addictions
Technology connects us, allows us to get more done quickly, and gives us information at a much quicker rate than ever before in history. Like all things, the use of....
Groups meet weekly or every other week and are typically with the same group of people. The isolation many experience deteriorates when in group. A deeper level of....
An intensive is an opportunity to receive a significant amount of treatment within a short period of time. We offer individual intensives tailored to meet the....
Workshops have a topic and meet for a specific number of weeks. Workshops provide an opportunity to be with others with a similar experience. People have ....

Office Locations

1000 Jorie Blvd, Suite 206
Oak Brook, IL 60523

6600 N. Lincoln Avenue, Suite 230
Lincolnwood, IL 60712

Email: info@willowclinical.com
Phone: 630.752.9874
Fax: 630.752.9875
Useful links